key management

Applications can directly interact with the
Torus Network to assign, store, and retrieve keys.

Non-custodial key management

Grow your users with a seamless login solution

Non-custodial key management with a flow that your users are familiar with.

Grow your users with a seamless login solution

Own your UX

Take control of the user experience and interface for all user interactions without pop-ups or external UI. Use your own login systems or other OAuth providers.

Own your UX

Web, mobile, native app

Onboard your users regardless of their platform. One user, multiple devices - the same account.

Web, mobile, native app compatible

Account Recovery and Management for Users

Powered with an inbuilt account management including recovery via OAuth or others. Users can log in and out without worrying about key management.

Get Started
Account Recovery and Management for Users

How it works

DirectAuth allows your application to interact with the Torus Network directly via an SDK. Just as how the Torus Wallet assigns, retrieves and stores keys on the network, any application can do the same with Distributed Key Generation (DKG) as a service.

Torus Network Learn More

Build your Web3 Dapp like Web2

Key management abstracted so your users can focus on what matters

DirectAuth in Action

"Key management in the decentralized space is complex. The top benefit to using DirectAuth was the ease of the solution. It's customizable and I didn’t have to spend a lot of extra time doing the extra coding needed."
